We are sick here in the Beesley household. It started off with my youngest getting a fever and not sleeping well one night. The next day she was fine, but the rest of us were not. I got the fever next and it knocked me down for a good 24 hours. My husband was next he got the fever and a cold. For a couple of days it seemed like we were on the mend. Then bam it hit us again only this time its the FLU... Yuck I really hate when I get the flu because I am so grumpy. Two days ago I didn't sleep at all. I was up sick and then my oldest daughter woke up sick. Her thoart hurt but was not running a fever so I went ahead and took her to school on Monday. 10 am Monday I get a phone call from the school that Lexis had got sick in class. I go and pick her up and we wait until 11:15 am for her brother to get out of preschool. I load everyone up and come home for the day. The school has a new policy if a child has a fever or gets sick they have to stay home from school for 24 hours after the fever stops or from the last time they got sick. Lexis is doing better she is still not eating a lot but is running around the house bored.... I spent most the night getting sick and I am still sipping on sprite and eating crackers. Nothing is harder then being sick and still having to be MOM.. All I want to do is curl up in bed and sleep. My youngest wants to play and have a normal day she don't get that mom is sick. My oldest is bored and wants things to do. She knows I am sick so is settling by watching a movie. My husband is in the middle of Silage season so he is gone from 7 am to 10 pm. He did take my son with him today to help me out as much as he can. All I can do is try and rest and pray that Lyssa and Treven do not get sick!!!!
I also need some more comments on my
GIVEAWAY!!! So please check out my older post and sign up for the giveaway... Have a great day!!!
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