Thursday, August 20, 2009

Yoga and a 20 month old!!!!

Okay so I am trying to get back into my workout routine. Granted I knew this was not going to be easy with Lyssa being here but I never dreamed it would be impossible. This is how my morning went. First we all get up at 6am to eat and get the older two off to school. Now note we eat breakfast all of us before we leave the house to drive to town. I drop my daughter off at school at 7:45am and my son around 7:50am. Lyssa my youngest and I then come to our small house in town to hang out for the day. We get here I start my P90X yoga tape. I have got toys out for Lyssa to keep her busy...This is what happened...

Yoga starts I am standing in the middle of the floor breathing trying to relax.... Lyssa " MOMMMMMMMMM" "MOM" "MOOMMMMMMM"... I am hungry.. so pause the dvd. I go get her some cereal thinking okay even though she has ate breakfast maybe this will keep her entertained.
Start the dvd again... I am breathing going down to downward dog position just as I get on the floor... Lyssa " MOMMMMM" " MOM" "MOMMM"... I need a drink! uh yeah I should have seen that one coming when I got her the cereal... so pause again get a cup of milk for her.. oh yeah and she is not eating but she is smiling at me...
Start the dvd again back on the floor breathing doing my positions.... Lyssa gets down on the floor in front of me.. MOM what you doing.... MOMMMMMM what you doing???? I say Lyssa I am working out please please go play for a minute.... Next thing I know she sits on me all proud and says.. I sit on like i did not know she was sitting on the middle of my back... pause the dvd again... I get out puzzles.. something she normally loves to do.
Start the dvd again I make it through about 10 mins without her interrupting me.... then here she comes with the puzzle wanting help.. MOMMMMMMM Oh MOMMM and she is smiling at me the whole time. I go LYSSA KAY.... her response was I am a stinker... yeah well I have said that same phrase a few hundred times to her.. I go yes you are dear and grab her and kiss her all over. I love her very much but I really want to get back in shape. So I think maybe if I let her do some of this with me.. I ask her to sit on the floor and do what I am doing.. We are back on our stomachs she is facing me I raise up to a push up position next thing I know she is poking me in the breast.. stating Boob... yeppers that was it for me I was done. Now what is she doing while I type away.. She is playing great with her toys and not bothering me at all. If I get on the floor its a free for all on MOMMY....

Also one of my followers is in the final 4 in a blog makeover contest. Please go over to A Thrifty Home and vote for Shelly The Attic Girl,
Shelly is a Jane Austin Fan and loves reading books. She works from home selling items from her ebay store. She blogs about random thoughts and interests. Here is her comment,
"Why do I need a blog makeover? Because I am absolutely without a doubt 100% DESPERATE! Look up the word in the dictionary, and you will see MY name and MY face staring back at you. Honest, give it a try and see if I'm wrong. I am DESPERATE for a custom built one of a kind too good to be true amazing blog makeover! Without your help, I cannot blog on!"


  1. Thanks for voting for me and posting about this! I really appreciate your help!

  2. I know to well what your talking about. Kids never want MOM til she is doing something she wants to do, LOL. The Joys of children !!!!! Great post !!!! :) HUGS !! Thanx for all your nice comments on my blog !!

  3. Thanks for the comment! Our name isn't very common, but I love the uniqueness! Love the blog!
