Monday, August 10, 2009

Relaxing Weekend

After a really long week of jury duty, this weekend I just spent it with my family. Saturday we went to town to get school supplies.. First off I would have gone earlier so I could have missed the last minute shoppers, weekend shoppers and wall to wall people in Wal-Mart. I do not do well with lots of people crowding the isles. I know what I want and go get it. I do not linger, I do not search around. I am a in and out kinda gal. With three kids you kinda have to be. Otherwise its... I am hungry, or I wanna look at toys, I need to pee or all the other eight million other things they can think of to side track my mission. Lyssa my youngest rides in the cart, I am a stickler for this. I do have to keep her entertained while she is sitting but I have that down to a science after three. Playing with her feet, fingers, or just by making the cart go a little faster then normal. I multitask well I can play, drag two other kids and shop all at the same time. My husband ( god bless him) follows and never gets in my way!!! We got almost everything we needed except the pink eraser and watercolor paints. NOWHERE in Wal-Mart were the big pink eraser!!! Staples here we come lucky for me they had the eraser and watercolors. Next shoes... is it just me or do all kids out grow shoes every six months or so.. I think I am always buying shoes. After trying on FIVE pairs finally we find a pair that fit and thank goodness they were on SALE... $11.00 yay instead of $25.00. Groceries next which I was not in the shopping mood so that went fast zoom in zoom out of Sams Club. Still being in town takes us 2 hours which isn't bad considering everything I had to get and all the people I had to move around. On our way home we stop at the hospital where my grandmother is at. She is recovering from kidney surgery. This is another post but I wanted to check on her make sure she is really doing okay. She has been out of surgery for 11 days and is in swing bed by now. But I know her she is super strong and refuses to ask for help. I walk in to find her making her own bed!!! This is because she was bored not because they were not taking care of her. She just really likes to do things herself. Finally we get home around 5 pm. I really just wanted to fall in bed and sleep but... no our community was having a dance tonight and since we skipped the parade, kids games and dinner we promised the kids we would go. We get into town around dark just in time to see the fireworks. Lyssa hated them and just put her head in my shoulder. Never cried just didn't want to watch. My older two loved them tho. The kids danced some and finally at 10:30pm we dragged them home. Where of course they all fell asleep on the way home in the car. Sunday we took the kids to Monument Park.

We spent the afternoon climbing and playing on the chalk rocks. All of us had a blast just hanging out and playing together. Reminds me that we do not need to spend money to enjoy being together. These beautiful rocks are about 10 miles from our house. They are in the middle of nowhere. All around is pasture then bam... here are these amazing rocks. They are chalk rocks and have tons of tiny little shells in the side of them. Sharks teeth are found around them. We did not find any but as a kid I did find some. After a rough week I could not have spent a better and more relaxing weekend. I know this week will be one of the most stressful and hardest I will have ever dealt with. I just look at my family and know I can deal with this and I know in my heart I will make the correct decision. Thanks for sticking with me!!

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